The good life is a term that refers to a (desirable) state that is primarily characterized by a high standard of living or the adherence to ethical and moral laws. In its two different expressions, living the good life can be either expressed through an abundant/luxurious lifestyle full of material belongings or the attempt to live life in accordance with the ethical, moral, legal and religious laws of one’s country or culture. As such, the term can both be understood as the quest for wealth, material possessions or luxuries and the quest to create a worthwhile, honest and meaningful existence.
The term is also a central concept in the works of Aristotle that are centered around ethics (see also Eudaimonia ).
What is the good life?
What exactly is the good life and what contributes to living a good life?
These examples raise an important issue. When it comes to the good life, some understand it as the continuous pursuit of their desires by means of mundane activities. Others consider it as the striving for personal excellence and the wish to contribute something meaningful in life.
We then have to ask ourselves the question, if the good life could really be characterized by a high standard of living alone . If this were the case, living the good life would primarily consist of the never-ending attempt to fulfill one’s desires and material wishes. As we all know, human desires can be boundless, while the earth’s resources are quite limited. As such, the (excessive) good life of one group of people might prevent others from living the “high-standard-of-living good life.” Or it might hinder future generations from ever living the good life.
A high standard of living can certainly be regarded as part of the good life. But in itself, the good life does not alone consist of wealth and abundance. As such, it would be quite limited and out of balance.
In line with this arguing, the popular philosophers Socrates and Plato primarily define in their works the good life as the examination of life, the mastery of the self and the contribution to one’s community. To them, living the good life integrated aspects of self-control and civic duty. As such, the good life consisted of reining in your passions by attaining mastery over yourself and to contribute to your community.
To return to the initial question, what is the good life?
Living the good life means living a life that sets you free. A life that satisfies and fulfills you, that adds happiness, joy and a sense of purpose to your life. But it also means to live a life that is worthwhile – a life that makes a contribution , instead of being solely self-centered. The good life is a life that is not primarily wasted with mundane activities. Instead, it adds value and contributes to making this world a better place. Even more so, it also contributes to your own growth. The attainment of a high standard of living alone might not be fully fulfilling and will definitely not set you free. Therefore, the good life combines aspects of exploration, self-mastery and civic responsibility with the endeavor to spend your time in a worthwhile manner that both satisfies and fulfills. It is only through the combination of these aspects that a joyous and happy life can be truly considered the good life.
What Makes A Good Life?

Ever wonder what is the secret to having a good life?
Ever wonder what the secret is to leading a good life? There seems to be one study that has finally solved the burning question.
Psychiatrist Robert Waldinger is a director of a long running study on adult development conducted by Harvard University. Since 1938, the 75-year-old study has observed 724 young men. They were divided into two groups: sophomore college students who went off to graduate and serve in World War II, and young male teenagers who lived in some of the poorest neighborhoods of Boston, Massachusetts in the 1930’s . When they entered the study, they were interviewed , given medical exams, and their families were interviewed as well .
Their lives remained under observation for several decades. The observations included surveys, interviews, and records of behavior during specific life events. The result of these observations was definitely interesting –– in some cases , they were extraordinary. Some of them have gone on to climb the social ladder, one became the president of the United States, doctors, lawyers but some developed alcoholism, and a few developed schizophrenias.
“The founders of this study would never in their wildest dreams imagined that I would be standing here today, 75 years later, telling you that the study still continues,” Waldinger said.
In the TedTalk “What Makes A Good Life? Lessons from The Longest Study on Happiness,” Waldinger laments over a recent survey on millennials. The survey showed that over 80% say their life goal was to become wealthy while the 50% of the group said their aim is to become famous. He realized that today’s youth was told to “lean in” may have led them into believing that acquiring a higher status equates to happiness. This wasn’t the case. Though riches and fame are good to have, none of these material things were the key to a good life.
What they discovered is that key to a good life is having healthy relationships.
“It turns out that living in the midst of conflict is really bad for our health,” Waldinger said.
Based on the conclusions of Harvard’s historical study, Waldinger explains three lessons everyone can learn about healthy relationships:
1. Loneliness Is A Killer
1 in 5 Americans have
2. Quality Over Quantity
It’s not about how many friends someone has, but it’s more so about the quality of those friendships that will determine your happiness. It’s the quality that matters. Waldinger took a look at their 80-year-old and spoke to them about how they felt during their 50s. Despite facing health related issues, it was their “protective relationships” during their middle age that helped improve their moods by age 80. Those who didn’t have those healthy relationships, like a marriage, at that age felt more physical pain in their later years.
3. Good Relationships Protect Your Body and Your Brain
Just as our healthy relationships can improve our moods and health at an old age, they can also help in improving our brain function. Waldinger discovered that participants who were in healthy relationships through the span of their lifetime had sharper memories compared to those who didn’t. People who have led unhealthy relationships have also seen a decline in memory function. The significance of good relationships is being able to depend on another person, and essentially being happier.
“Good relationships keep us happier and healthier,” Waldinger says.
The greatest take away we can get from this study is that as a society, we must stop trying to find a “quick fix.” We must center our goals in life on cultivating and maintaining happy and healthy relationships. We must work on spending time with other who will bring light into our lives, but we must also act as a light for others as well . Putting our energy into happier and healthier relationships with others is key, and quality trumps over quantity. Although healthy relationships take a lot of time and hard work, it’s important to invest our time on these relationships to lead happier, longer lives.

Without money how are you going to buy that lambo ? How will you afford that vacation to Hawaii? How do you purchase the mansion that will make all your Instagram followers jealous? You can’t buy imported cheese and wine WITHOUT money!
Money isn’t everything.
Yes, money isn’t everything, it’s simply a tool. It’s the incredibly important tool that gains an individual access to food, water, shelter, clothes, and every other necessity.
There are some people who work a job who will yell, scream, and ardently try to convince you “Money isn’t important!” Don’t believe these people. If money wasn’t important why would people work 8 hours a day at jobs, they dislike trading their time for money?
Recently, I received a call from my mother informing me that my dad’s health was poor. He was having trouble breathing, experiencing chest pains, and generally feeling miserable. Her voice quivered. She lamented he would leave nothing behind except debt.
My parents never learned about money. They arrived in the United States and worked factory jobs as long as they could. In my childhood I remember waking up at 6 AM just to catch a glimpse of them before they left for the day. They were trading away hours of their lives to make money.
This phone call got me thinking. No one ever taught my parents about investing, growing their wealth, or budgeting. Unfortunately, the credit card companies “taught” them about financing. They incurred an unhealthy amount of debt. Screening calls was a ritual in our household.
Imagine leaving nothing behind for your family. They are suddenly forced to carry the weight of all your debt without any of the income. Is that the legacy you want to leave?
Money isn’t everything–it’s not quality time with your family, it’s not loves, and it’s not happiness. However, money is peace of mind. In many cases, that’s the greatest thing of all.
So, I’ve probably thoroughly convinced you that money is the solution to all your problems. I can see you getting ready to sprint off into the sunset to hustle hard for some extra cash. Before you work yourself into oblivion, destroy your body, and lose all your time, I have to tell you about the one other thing that’s more important than money, it’s your health!
“I always think you could be a Qu zillionaire and be on a deserted island surrounded by Victoria’s Secret models but if you have a sore throat, all you think about is your sore throat nothing else matters other than health.”
-Jesse Itzler
It’s awesome to have a fat wallet, but it’s even more enjoyable to be alive and well to enjoy it. This is why I believe health is far more important than money.
The one thing you can give to your loved ones that’s more important than money is you, your time. In most cases, if you take care of your body, eat right, and exercise you’re buying more time. Time that you can spend doing whatever you want. Make sure your health never becomes such a problem that it impedes your ability to find joy.
Billionaire Jesse Itzler said it best, if you’re sick all you’ll think about is getting better. Your cold or flu doesn’t care about the number of zeros in your bank account.
Money is important no matter what anyone tells you. It’s a tool just like any other, it all depends on how you use it. If you set some aside to help your family after you’re gone, it’s serving a wonderful purpose. In addition to being financially fit, it’s equally as significant to be physically fit. All anyone has is time, having a healthy life provides us with time to spend it with people who matter.
How to Protect your wealth?

Today’s climate presents many challenges to both preserving your wealth and seeing it grow over time. With ongoing Brexit uncertainty, prolonged low interest rates and changeable tax rules, it is hard for investors to achieve returns that are not eroded by inflation and taxation.
At times like this, careful planning plays a particularly important role in securing your financial security over the long term. Whether you are living in Spain, France, Portugal, Malta, Cyprus, Gibraltar, Monaco or the UK, here are six key tips that can help.
1. Establish a suitable strategy
It is crucial that your portfolio is created and managed to meet your particular circumstances and goals, including your risk tolerance and requirement for income.
For example, are your investments tailored for your life as an expatriate, where your expenses are mostly in euros, or are they better suited to someone living in the UK? Make sure your strategy adjusts to keep up with your current situation.
If you have an ill-fitting investment portfolio, you could find that your money is not working as hard as you would like, is difficult to access, or even eaten away by inflation.
2. Establish your appetite for risk
Before investing, you need to pinpoint the right balance of risk/return for your peace of mind, but it is extremely difficult to effectively assess your own tolerance for risk. Speak to an experienced adviser who can ask the right questions and use appropriate tools to create a clear and objective risk profile for you. They can then recommend an appropriate blend of investments to match your specific profile.
Remember: without some element of risk, you may struggle to outpace inflation and could lose money, especially over the longer term. Your adviser can present options to help control risk within your defined boundaries; for example, by staggering the timing of investments in riskier assets to reduce exposure to market movements.
3. Identify your timeline for investing
Generally, the longer you have to invest, the more risk you can afford to take. With time, you can ride out market volatility and benefit from compound returns. Understanding your time horizon is also the key to ensuring your investments offer the right level of ‘liquidity’. You never know when your plans may change – for example, needing to return to the UK unexpectedly for family or health reasons – so make sure you hold some liquid assets that can be easily sold if you need to access your capital or change your strategy.
4. Insist on diversification
The higher your concentration in one particular investment type or area – including the UK – the greater the risk. The best way to limit risk is diversification. By spreading out investments across asset classes, geographic region and market sectors, you limit your exposure to any one area. You can take diversification further by choosing an adviser who uses a ‘multi-manager’ approach to spread your investments out among several carefully-selected fund managers. This can reduce your reliance on any one manager making the right decisions in all market conditions.
5. Incorporate effective tax planning
To help maximize your real returns and protect your wealth for future generations, factor in tax planning when setting up your portfolio. Look for arrangements that can shelter capital from tax while providing a tax-efficient income, and that enable you to transfer wealth to your beneficiaries with minimal bureaucracy and inheritance taxes.
For expatriates, tax planning is complicated by having to work with the rules of more than one country. An adviser with cross-border expertise can ensure you meet your tax liabilities, in your country of residency and in the UK, while taking advantage of available opportunities.
6. Regularly review your strategy
Good financial planning is not a ‘set and forget’ exercise. Not only does everyone have their own unique set of circumstances, aims and requirements, these often change over time. This may be the result of moving into a different stage of life – approaching retirement, for example – or following a major event like relocating or receiving an inheritance. Or you could simply change your mind about what you want to achieve. External influences such as changes in the law or tax rules may also prompt a strategy rethink.
You should review your financial planning around once a year to keep it on track. But if anything, significant happens that might affect the effectiveness or suitability of your portfolio, make sure you bring this forward. With today’s Brexit and global political uncertainty, regular reviews are even more important to help control risk and encourage a positive effect on portfolio performance.
The key to bringing all these guidelines together is ensuring you take personalized, expert advice from a regulated adviser. Whether you are looking at investments, tax planning, estate planning or your pension, it is crucial that your approach is appropriate for you. With the right strategy in place, you can protect and grow your wealth – in real terms – not only during your lifetime but for the next generations to enjoy.
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